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Attention Windows Mobile users:
Our programs will only work with touch screen devices.

If you receive the following error message after installing the latest version:
Function: dll_getusername()not in CASL external library: CASLdll.dll"
You must completely uninstall and delete any reference to the previous version of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: After inputting my registration number I get the following message: "Your Registration code is incorrect.".

A: First try using the onscreen keyboard to verify you did not enter any digits in error. If you cannot get the registration number to work then select the menu key, then "Help" and then "Reg.Key". Write down the user name and numbers the program displays and email them to us at support@skywritersoft.com. We will then be able to send you a registration code that matches your user name.

Q: Will the programs run on my Palm SD memory card?

A: FlyBy E6B can be stored and run from an SD card. FlyBy Nav and FlyBy Nav Pro cannot be run from a SD card.

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